أعدادك المجانية

الرئيسية / التدريب

Entrepreneurship- How to develop your start-up or new product

من 08/03/2020 إلى 12/03/2020

عدد الأيام 5

السعر: 1900.00$

المكان الإمارات - دبي

الفئة المستهدفة

Technology & Business Transformation Training

أهداف البرنامج



محتويات البرنامج

• Step-by-step methodology to guide entrepreneurs and product managers through planning for any new product/service, or developing an existing one.
Proven tools that support identifying the value proposition, planning for the required resources and developing the Business Model Canvas.
• Learn how to build the persona of your targeted customers using the Design Thinking methodology, crystalizing a proper Customer Journey and an inspiring User Experience (UX).
• Hands-on demonstration on how to develop the feasibility study and financial modeling.
• Valuable tools for start-ups with tips on how to validate business assumptions, when to look for partners & how to choose them, success/failure factors and technology considerations for
the Digital World.