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سلة المشترياتكتاب Sweetening the Dead Sea PDF
The mythical fable you are about to read is, in part, theculmination of the works of two visionaries: The GreatestSalesman in the World by OgMandino, and The AlchemistbyPaulo Coelho. Mandino’s work was a philosophy onsalesmanship and success, outlining principles for discipline,giving, and prosperity.Coelho’s magnum opus was a bestselling odysseythat spoke of true love, fate, and personaldestiny. These works have changed many lives, including myown. For this I owe them my respect andthankfulness. Butwhat of the world and our peoples’ place in it? Sweetening theDead Sea testifies to all these, and much more. This book is also a culmination of my own dreams andtravels. From the banks of the Jordan River to the banks of theNile, from the peak of Mount Auf, tothe peak of MountSinai, every stop on Santiago and Hafid’s journey is drawnfrom my own firsthandexperiences. Everything they saw, Isaw. Everywhere they went, I went. It is not a journey inplace, but a journey of the spirit through history, philosophy,mythology, art, love, acceptance of others, and hope forpeace. The land this story takes place in has long been fraughtby tension, grief, and pain. In spite of all this, it has a beautyall of its own. I pray you may soon see it for yourself.
العناوين الداخلية في الكتاب
- Chapter 1: 1921. Seville, Spain. A balcony in Santiago’s ancient home
- Chapter 2: Visions
- Chapter 3: The Encounter
- Chapter 4: The Greatest 40 Lessons

الرقم الدولي للكتاب (ISBN)

عدد صفحات الكتاب

تاريخ إصدار الكتاب
2021 / 8